Offer your customers KSA protection

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KSA membership

Thousands of people have kitchens installed every year – how do they ensure this is done successfully? By using companies registered with the Kitchen Specialists Association.

The mission of the KSA is to create a professional and stable trading environment in which the industry can prosper and consumers can enjoy peace-of-mind. As a national association the KSA looks to represent the country's reputable kitchen manufacturers and associated suppliers with a view to facilitating solution-driven resolutions between members and consumers and facilitate growth and education within the industry.

The KSA can only offer consumers assistance and protection if they choose to work with a registered member. Should you choose to work with a registered member the KSA will offer recourse and assistance with any legitimate complaint within one year of the date of purchase.

KSA membership is voluntary, and as such it speaks volumes about the nature of the company, as they have chosen to be held accountable by an objective third party and afford their customer free access to help and mediation in the event of a dispute.

Working with KSA members is the logical choice. Not only have members been vetted to be in good standing but they are also held to a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct. When choosing between two companies – the KSA member is the only one that affords you, as the consumer or industry professional, a safety net and free access to advice, guidance and dispute resolution.


An Accredited and Recognised consumer body

The KSA is now accredited and recognised by the National Consumer Council and Consumer Ombuds as a consumer body.
This means we are authorised to act and rule on disputes between our members and consumers by the National Consumer Council and our members are represented to the Council and Ombuds via their membership of the KSA.

KSA Certificate of Accreditation

What's HOT in the Kitchen

View the latest materials and products available to the SA Kitchen Industry brought to us by our very own KSA Supplier Members.

The KSA Inspiration Gallery

Browse through just some of the beautiful kitchens
designed and installed by KSA members.

Latest news, courses and events


KSA & IID Annual Golf Day & Paddle Challenge

Congrats to the top five in our 2024 Kitchen Design Project

We are very pleased to announce the top students and special mentions for our 2024 Student Kitchen Design Project.

ProReno and Stone Art will grace the cover of the KSA 2025 Consumer Guide

Huge congratulations to ProReno Kitchens in Pretoria whose kitchen will be appearing on the cover of the 2025 KSA Consumer Guide. The theme of this year’s cover was ‘spectacular surfaces’ and this kitchen showcases beautifully honed granite work tops which were expertly fabricated by KSA member Stone Art.

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Events calendar

February 2025

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KSA Consumer Guide 2025

Browse through the current and previous editions of the KSA Consumer Guide for a wealth of information around planning and installing a new kitchen.